Our Willow

Our Willow

Here at World of Willow we love everything about willow!

We sell willow cuttings and have worked hard to choose the very best willow varieties to grow here in Dorset, and to include in all our collections.  Whatever you plan to do with your willow, using our selections you are assured of the very best results.You might want: to create a stunning floral display; attract bees with lovely catkins; create a windbreak; give dramatic winter colour for your garden; grow fuel for a stove; or weave your own baskets. Whatever you would like, our collections are a must. We sell willow cuttings from our collection between December until March/April each year, please see our different varieties for availability.

We also sell a range of fresh and dried willow weaving kits, we have several different designs to choose from Angels and Butterfly's to snails, wreaths and balls.


We currently have over 140 beautiful willow varieties in our collection and we are increasing that every year. Our passion is to try an re-introduce some of the lovely varieties and amazing natural colours that have died out with intensive cultivation over the last century. Below is a list of the willow varieties that we are currently growing, if you are growing any that we don't have then please let us know, we would be happy to organise a swap! We do our best to try and identify them correctly but there are so many hybrids that classification can be challenging!  You can see more details on all the varieties on the willow cuttings pages or search on the web site for a specific variety and it will take you straight there. 

K1 William Rogers
K2 Sekka
K3 Humilis
K4 Semperflorens
K5 Contorta
K6 Pyrifolia
K7 Jaune de Falaise
K8 Rubens
K9 Jaune Hative
K10 Raesfeld
K11 Grisette Noire
K12 Belge
K13 Continental Purple
K14 Golden Yellow
K15 Black Maul
K16 Sinker
K17 Golden Willow
K18 Faucille
K19 "Silver"
K20 Caradoc
K21 Yelverton
K22 Melanostachys
K23 Dicky Meadows
K24 Daphnoides W
K25 Cardinalis
K26 Netta Strathum
K27 Flanders Red
K28 Dark Dicks
K29 Jagiellonka
K30 "Snake"