Red Curly

Red Curly Erythroflexuosa

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Red Curly £0.00

Red Curly comes in 10"-12" cuttings This is a really beautiful contorted willow with genuine rich red stems all year around, my absolute favourite! 

The new shoots are bright and attractive in the Spring, and the colour intensifies as they go into winter. The leaves as well as the branches are twisted on this variety. When the leaves fall off in Autumn they create a really stunning display in the garden. 

Great for floristy projects on its own or mixed with the yellow contorted Caradoc. Try weaving it fresh in Christmas Wreaths, fantastic! 

This variety is not as vigorous as many Matsudana Tortuosa varieties but will still grow into a small tree if unpruned. As with many willow, the best stem colours are obtained by frequent coppicing.