Blue Stem Willow

Irrorata, blue stem willow

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Blue Stem Willow £0.00

Blue Stem Willow comes in 10"-12" cuttings. A native of America, Irrorata has to be one of the most beautiful willow varieties in the Autumn and Winter. It is an upright shrub with lovely fine purple rods about 2-3m tall with an attractive bloom on the stems which looks almost blue-white. Grown in clumps it looks stunning through the winter months.

Lovely fat dark grey catkins emerge towards the ends of the branchlets in Spring followed by amazing red and yellow bud scales. As these open it hosts an array of delicate fine leaves. A must for florists and the bees love it!

This is a truly ornamental willow. Keep it pruned each year for the best colour and rods. Can be used as a basketry willow but can be quite chunky.